Mindfulness Based Healthy Living – Online
“The title of the course made me fearful that it would be judgemental and prescriptive…it hasn’t been!”
“Loved it, as ever. Thank you Ki and Heather for bringing such commitment, well-planned content and enthusiasm to your teaching”
” I thought it was an excellent course, well delivered and very informative in a relaxed friendly atmosphere”
” I really enjoyed the course and found it transformative”
“The course was well set out, took in all aspects of living healthier not just a rigid diet, to recognise that my human failings, lapses will happen and to carry on. I now plan better my meals and shopping. Mindfulness eating, I now sit at the table to eat enjoy the food I have planned for and prepared.”
“It taught me that lapses are fine and just to let go and not fixate on them. Also, unconsciously I have changed my food, eat with my daughter (and more of the time at the table), been more active (even without work I have been more active) and I am overall in a much happier place”
“It made me develop a much moderating sense of the importance of self compassion. I feel much equipped to continue on this journey of feeling so much better”
“Lost weight, I’m healthier and a better example to my daughter”
“Feel more in control of me, the ups the downs, the successes the failures they happen, the changes are helping me lose some weight, that’s the reason I started this journey”
“Small steps – but steps in the right direction. Better sleep means I feel more refreshed and less likely to try to boost my energy levels / wake up by eating masses of carbs”
“Stopped smoking, increased healthy foods, reduced chocolate, got more active, practised Mindfulness more (as opposed to random YouTube meditations)”
“Quite a number of changes, particularly dietary changes, more planning, more positive about me, less feelings of failure”
“Switched to 0% gin, de-caf coffee and increased formal mindfulness practice”
8 Week Mindfulness Based Healthy Living Course Online
Do you want to change your lifestyle to a healthier way of living?
The aim of this course is to create the causes and conditions in your life for our health to flourish through positive changes in habits of eating and movement. Our aim is to support each other with kindness and care to move to a more healthy lifestyle through insights from practices taken from the Mindfulness Association’s mindfulness, compassion & insight trainings. This is combined with an exploration of evidence-based information about beneficial nutrition and exercise approaches. We will share lots of free and evidence-based resources and you can then choose your own combinations of approaches to explore throughout the course.
The course fee of £165.00. Places are limited to 23 participants.
The course will take place on Tuesday evenings 7-8.45pm, starting on Tuesday 2nd September until Tuesday 21st October 2025.
The course will be led by Jacky Seery experienced mindfulness tutor and evidence-based lifestyle follower and Ki (Michaela) James experienced dietitian with 30 years experience of clinical work in the NHS.
Booking info: Please press the ‘book here’ button.
Weekly themes include:
- Getting started – intention, motivation and exploring different approaches
- It’s not our fault, but we can be proactive – a compassion based approach
- Eating with awareness – a mindfulness based approach
- Nutrition overview – some evidence-based approaches to healthy eating
- Moving with awareness of subliminal reflexes – an insight based approach
- Slips, binges & projection of desire – insight into self-sabotage
- Cultivating curiosity & courage to change – facing the challenges of transformation
- A healthy lifestyle for me – support moving forward.