Compassion in Action
Have you noticed how just beneath your concerns and worries for our society and planet, lies your heartfelt care? If you peek beneath the surface of the concerns, you might find yourself reunited with what you love most about life. Connecting with the love and care we already have can give us a whole new starting point for our compassion in action. From this platform we may find a more joyful, less taxing and more sustainable path of action unique to ourselves.
- Connect with others on this topic to help find more resilience and an increased sense of agency to bring compassion into action.
- Become more clear on what resources, nourishes and grounds you.
- Delve into practices that can help discover new and empowering perspectives.
- Explore the relationship between any emotions that show up and the love you feel for people/planet, to find a different way of relating to them.
- Experience our essential interconnectness with all life and sense the earth as an ever-present resource for deeply grounding ourselves.
- Move towards finding what your realistic and enjoyable contribution can be, rather than feeling that whatever you do is never enough.
In this weekend we will build on mindfulness and compassion practices with Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects, a skilful method that grew out of her decades long environmental activism and deep understanding of Buddhism. Through a mix of meditations and interactive exercises, we will resource and nourish ourselves with gratitude and connection, so we have more capacity for holding difficult feelings. We’ll explore new perspectives that empower and encourage to see how we can mindfully and practically bring our compassion into action. Whether it’s local or global issues that have you worried, frustrated or overwhelmed, or whether you know you care but just feel a bit numb with it all, this course will offer supportive conditions to ‘turn towards’ rather than away, in the good company of others.
The practices will facilitate a growing grounding in ourselves and the presence of the earth, as well as connection with each other and the interconnectness with all life. The beautiful surroundings of the Samye Ling monastery in springtime with wholesome food, along the heartful holding of space by Kristine, will offer further supportive conditions for continuing to play our part in the global recovery with renewed active hope.
For this course it is recommended that you have some mindfulness meditation experience. This could be the Level 1 training with the Mindfulness Association or an 8 week mindfulness course whether it be MBSR, MBLC or any other along those lines or it could be equivalent experience.
Tutor: Kristine Mackenzie-Janson
Dates: 25-27 April 2025
Price: £165.00
Location: Samye Ling
Times: 19.00-20.30pm on the Friday evening, 8.00am to 20.00pm on the Saturday and 8.00am to 15.00pm on Sunday.
Booking: To book this course please contact: info@mindfulnessassociation.net
Please book your accommodation and meals for the weekend directly with Samye Ling by emailing reception@samyeling.org. They will need to know the dates that you would like to stay, what room you would like (please click here to see the room types and prices), your name, and the name of the second person if you are booking a twin room, your address, phone number and preferred email address for the booking. No room bookings can currently be made via the Samye Ling website.