We run Mindfulness Courses Online and Throughout the UK

The Mindfulness Association has been providing courses for over 12 years.


Our mindfulness courses are run be a team with decades of experience who are all listed with the British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches (BAMBA). We also have many franchise organisations providing Mindfulness Courses across Europe. Whatever it is that brings us to take our first steps on the journey of becoming more mindful, we recognise that present-moment compassionate living is the journey of a lifetime.

Compassion is at the heart of everything we do. All our tutors are trained in compassion, and we weave the seeds of compassion through all our courses. A Mindfulness course with us is a great starting point for your journey and we offer a wide range of courses and a community to support your journey. For more information about our in-depth 4 LEVEL PATHWAY click through HERE.

Which is the Best Course for Me?

If you are new to Mindfulness then head over to our level one mindfulness course page for all the latest courses and all the information you need. If you have completed an 8-week course such as MBSR, MBCT or Breathworks, then please visit our Mindfulness Level 2 page Responding with Compassion to see the options available.  We have access courses for people that have studied elsewhere!

If you are want to teach Mindfulness, then head over to our train to teach page for all the information you need.

Who are Your Courses for?

The Mindfulness Association provide inclusive mindfulness courses for everyone. We have a wide range of courses, both online and at various venues for:

  • Beginners
  • Experienced practitioners
  • Existing mindfulness teachers
  • Practitioners who would like to train to teach Mindfulness and Compassion

People that attend our courses come from a wide variety of backgrounds and we are working hard for our courses to be inclusive and to cater for everyone’s needs. Many of those who come on our courses are living busy modern lives and are looking for ways in which to cope with their anxiety, stress and pain. Our courses give them the tools to enhance their wellbeing and to cope better with life’s challenges.

So, whatever your reasons, sign up for a course with the Mindfulness Association today!

Where do you Run Your Courses?

Since Covid 19 the majority of our courses have been held online, however we are beginning to run in-person courses again and our aim is to run more in-person courses in 2022. Our range of courses are guided by experienced tutors, are very accessible and we have something for everyone.

Our main face to face course location is Samye Ling in South West Scotland. We also run courses throughout Europe via our franchises.

Can I Try Your Courses for Free?

If you are looking for a Free Mindfulness Course then why not try our free daily mindfulness meditationEvery day during the week we provide free guided mindfulness meditations online.  These run at 10:30am and 7pm weekdays and at 7pm weekends. 

We also provide a Widening Access initiative providing free courses by making some places on each course available to people who would otherwise not be able to access this training. Please click here for further information.

Are Your Mindfulness Courses Accredited?

There is currently no Mindfulness Regulatory Body in the UK that accredits Mindfulness courses. However, our Mindfulness courses are recognised by the British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches (BAMBA) in their UK Good Practice Guidelines.

BAMBA is an inclusive community of mindfulness practitioners, teachers, trainers and researchers which upholds standards with inclusivity, integrity and humanity. As an organisation we are a member of BAMBA and our teacher training pathway leads to registration on the UK Listing of Mindfulness teachers, administered by BAMBA. We support our newly trained Mindfulness Teachers to register on the UK Listing and to comply with the BAMBA Good Practice Guidelines. 

All our Mindfulness Courses are taught by tutors who are registered with BAMBA and have decades of experience.

Do I Get a Certificate of Completion? 

We provide a certificate of completion for our Accredited Mindfulness Level 1, Compassion Level 2, Insight Level 3 and Wisdom Level 4 courses.  Ready to Teach certificates are also provided to successful participants who have undergone the Level 2 and Level 3 Teacher Training Courses. 

I want to Train to Become a Mindfulness Teacher. Can You Help? 

You have come to the right place. If you have engaged in mindfulness training yourself and feel you have benefited, then what a wonderful opportunity to help share the benefits of mindfulness practice with others so they benefit too. Please join our Mindfulness Teacher Training pathway and share the benefits of Mindfulness with others.

Does it Matter if I Have Trained Elsewhere?

Not at all, in fact, we welcome everyone who has trained in Mindfulness elsewhere. This might be MBSR, MBCT, Breathworks or another 8 week Mindfulness Based Course. We have a dedicated access course for people that have trained in other 8 week courses enabling them to skip Level 1 and join our Level 2 – Responding with Compassion.

Are Mindfulness Courses Worth It?

A resounding Yes!

Participants of our courses report that they have personally transformed the way they relate to themselves and their lives from having trained in Mindfulness and Compassion.  They tell us that they are able to cope with life’s challenges much better. 

The teacher training courses enable Mindfulness Practitioners to deepen into their practice as they learn how to share Mindfulness with others.

Here are some testimonials from our participants where they share how they have benefited from Mindfulness.

Do you Offer Free Mindfulness Courses for Charities, CIC and Other Causes?

Yes. WE collaborate with and provide funding for the Everyone Project Charity.   This Charity funds the work of mindfulness teachers working in partnership with Charities and Voluntary Organisations to deliver 8 week Mindfulness Based Living Courses.

Our collaboration with the Everyone Project has provided Mindfulness training for groups of people who are dealing with the additional challenges of caring responsibilities, being a refugee, surviving domestic abuse, rehabilitation from drug or alcohol addiction, poor mental health, belonging to the LGBTQ+ community, among other challenges. They report that mindfulness benefits them in their lives and helps them to cope better with these additional challenges.

Can you Tell Me About The Benefits and What Mindfulness is Good For?

Increasing scientific evidence tells us that Mindfulness is proven to be beneficial for physical and mental wellbeing in the right circumstances and participants on our courses have reported:

  • Feeling less stressed
  • More resilient to life’s challenges
  • Feeling more relaxed
  • Increased self-kindness, self-awareness and confidence
  • Increased sense of wellbeing

Recent scientific evidence indicates that Mindfulness and Compassion meditation practices change that meditation & Compassion-based Mindfulness practices change the brain in a positive way and help to:

  • Lower heart rate and blood pressure
  • Relieve stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia
  • Increase ability to cope with difficult situations

What is Mindfulness?

We realise this is a big topic, so head over to our What Is Mindfulness page where we tell you all about it. 

Can you Tell Me About Your Inclusivity Policy?

The MA is committed to encouraging equality and diversity among our staff.

The aim is for our team to be truly representative of all sections of society and our customers, and for everyone to feel respected and able to give their best.

We welcome everyone to our courses and have a new Widening Access and Supporting Diverse Communities Initiative.  More information can be found here.

Each day we have a free guided mediation online. Everyone is welcome. 

All our courses are accessible for everyone.

Read our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy. 

Upcoming Courses and Retreats

October 2024
November 2024
December 2024
January 2025
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