Four Year Progressive Pathway


We are the only Mindfulness organisation offering a Four Year, Four Level in depth Meditation training, which is experiential, and evidence based and which results in increased resilience and happiness in our busy modern lives. Our pathway starts with training the mind to be more settled in our Level One: Being Present course.  Once the mind begins to settle we focus on cultivating qualities in the mind such as joyfulness, kindness and compassion for self and other during our Level Two: Responding with Compassion course.  Completing these first two stages creates a foundation for our Level Three: Seeing Deeply course, designed to generate insight into the underlying habit patterns of the mind. This naturally transitions into our Level 4 Wisdom training which supports us to recognise the reality of our everyday lived experience. We are then able to live with increased awareness in accordance with, rather than in resistance to, this reality and so we are naturally more joyful and able to cope with life’s difficulties.

Our training path is for everyone, wherever you are in your meditation journey. The training is progressive, and you will be supported at every Level by experienced teachers, manuals, guided audio of home practice and the company of like-minded fellow practitioners.

It doesn’t end there. We also have our Mindfulness for Life programme of courses and retreats which will enable you to expand and deepen your practice further for life.

Read about each stage of the 4 level pathway by watching the videos below and clicking the links.
Please feel free to contact us to learn more about joining this pathway.


Knowing what is happening while it is happening, without preference

Noticing the wandering mind and coming back to presence

Allowing, curious, kind


A sensitivity to the suffering of self and otheer with a deep desire to relieve that suffering

First psychology
Turning towards what is difficult

Second psychology
Cultivating qualities to respond to the difficult


Recognising what is happening while it is happening, without preference. 

First aspect
Sensitising ourselves to subtle mental activity

Second aspect
Doing less and being more in meditation


An innate intelligence that recognises the ground of our being as interconnected, whole and at peace. 

First aspect
Touching the true nature of reality at the ultimate level.

Second aspect
Cultivating kindness and acceptance for our ups and downs at the relative level.

START HERE ~  Level 1 ~ Being Present

Recent scientific evidence states that meditation & compassion-based mindfulness practices change the brain in a positive way and help to:

  • Lower heart rate and blood pressure
  • Relieve stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia
  • Increase ability to cope with difficult situations

Level 2: Responding with Compassion

What it would be like to cultivate an inner voice that is kind and supportive, and to live life from this place, rather than from a place of destructive self-criticism?

Level 3: Insight ~ Seeing Deeply

In our experience of training people in mindfulness and compassion we have noticed significant changes in people’s lives, but our perception is that these changes do not go to the root of the matter. change to more positive wording: something like : the compassion training gives us the support we need as we deepen our practice; we are able to then move towards insight training which reveals to us what lies beneath our moods, attitudes and behaviours

Level 4: Wisdom

We cultivate wisdom by embarking on an experiential journey. Intellectual understanding is not enough. This journey requires that we first train in Mindfulness, Compassion and Insight. They provide the necessary conditions for Wisdom to take birth in our heart and mind.

4 level pathway