mindfulness and mystical poetry Fays blog

Mindfulness & Mystical Poetry: Fay’s Blog

The way I was taught to approach poetry at school, although fascinating in its own way, didn’t foster a long-term love of it. I remember there being so many things I was supposed to be able to say about a poem – about alliteration, rhyme, pentameter, simile, metaphor… More frustratingly I was supposed to ‘get’…

Mindfulness Meets Mystical Poetry

Mindfulness Meets Mystical Poetry

I’ve been contemplating the question – how does poetry deepen our practice? I want to share with you something a friend said to me recently. She had been reading poetry mindfully and subsequently, when she did the bodyscan, she experienced her body in a very fresh and free way. She, like most of us, had…

zen poem by ryokan

Zen Poem – Ryokan

Like the little stream Making its way Through the mossy crevices I, too, quietly Turn clear and transparent. by Ryokan, translated by John Stevens   Sitting by this little babbling stream in my mind’s eye takes me back to times when I used to cycle out of Glasgow and into the countryside, stopping and sitting…