Team BlogsLama-Yeshe-Rinpoche

Hello again! I am back after my summer break, refreshed and ready for whatever new challenges emerge. Challenges are always good, an opportunity for cultivating more patience and compassion, at the very least! Challenges are hopefully an opportunity for insight, understanding and personal growth. Still I’m not asking for challenges, just welcoming them should they emerge!

The great thing about time away from work is perspective. Things I thought were significant problems diminish and the opportunities within the problem have a chance to be noticed. Something to take forward in non-holiday times!

I have had a good day today, the last of my holiday, although I have done some compassion book writing this afternoon and am writing this blog to you.

On returning from my glamping trip a copy of Lama Yeshe Rinpoche’s autobiography ‘From a Mountain in Tibet: A Monk’s Journey’ was waiting for me.

Lama Yeshe has been my teacher for many years now and I find his life story, or what I know about it up until now, totally inspiring. He is a living example of the peace and joy that can be achieved if we take the time to train our minds. He is also an example of the benefit such a trained mind is able generate to our world and the people within it.

What I have read so far is totally honest and a fascinating glimpse into Tibetan tradition before the Chinese invasion. I haven’t read ahead, but I look forward to reading about his escape from Tibet and his wild times in 1960s USA. I am also curious about what he has to say about the second half of his life, which he has devoted to retreat, practice and teaching.

So, I heartily recommend this book.

I have such gratitude to Lama Yeshe, who has inspired and supported me continually, through all the challenges, personal and work related, that have presented themselves in my life over the past decade or so. Whenever I speak with him my joy levels are replenished and I find the energy to keep going. It is his confidence in me that has enabled me to teach as I do and to manage the Mindfulness Association, along with my colleagues, through good times and bad.

And what have I learned from him? Firstly, that joyful determination will always get you through. Secondly, that compassion is the only way. Thirdly, that life is not as real or solid as I imagine it to be.

Great lessons, from an inspirational teacher. If you missed him at the membership weekend, have a look at the video here and read the latest Times article about his book here.

If you are miserable it will cheer you up. If you are happy it will inspire you. Or at least, that would be my experience!

Kind Wishes
