
Why Mindfulness is Important

In the wake of the pandemic overall there are lower levels of mental and physical wellbeing. Levels of stress and anxiety are being exacerbated by worries about the cost of living crisis, the war in Ukraine and ongoing environmental degradation. In an aging population with less access to the NHS many are living with chronic…

Compassion course and taster

Compassion Course Online Taster with Q&A

Free Taster for Compassion Course Friday 4th February at 7pm UK Time  Course: Mindfulness Level 2: Responding with Compassion – starts 14th February online in the evenings at 7pm. “If you want others to be happy practice Compassion. If you want to be happy, practice Compassion” ~ HH Dalai Lama We can train in Compassion,…

trust emergence

Trust Emergence

Today I find myself in a house in Bempton (East Yorkshire coast) with my wonderful MAHQ colleagues. We have all taken our lateral flow tests and are together in person for the first time since February last year. It is strange, but amazing to see everyone manifest in 3D rather than on a screen in…


Chronic Stress

Over the past month of my holiday and especially my week of home retreat one of the things I have recognised is how susceptible I am to chronic stress. I noticed this at the weekend, where we had over 50 new students online for their first weekend of their Masters in Mindfulness with the University…


Being Compassion

This last weekend I have been teaching a weekend for mindfulness teachers on the subject of doing less and being more in enquiry, with my good friend Jan Mayor. It is a stand-alone weekend, but it is also in preparation for the Compassion Based Living Course teaching skills retreat in April. As training in compassion often…


Mindful Reflections on Change

Having just attended the funeral of my dear friend, being in the process of changing my life quite drastically and talking with Heather about the huge changes in her life, I find myself on a train to London feeling rather reflective. At the weekend I was also stunned by the news of the sudden death…