Words of WonderIsn't-that-something-Rumi

like when
the music happens like this:

Something in His eye grabs hold of a
tambourine in

then I turn and lift a violin in someone else,
and they turn, and this turning

it has
reached you now. Isn’t that

by Rumi, interpreted by Daniel Ladinsky


What is it for you that Rumi is referring to? What is the music?

There’s something about this time of year (and I’m speaking here for those of us in mid-winter in the northern hemisphere), which can prompt us to look inwards for a source of light. Here in Herefordshire we haven’t seen the sun for a week now and the nights are long. For me, the music in this poem may be many things, but certainly the light of love and joy comes into it.

Christmas time, for those who celebrate it, is about the birth of love, which is an inner light in the darkness for sure. But where there is love there is also lost, unlived or broken love and many of us navigate these waters over the festive period too.

This poem speaks of our profound interdependence as human beings. We depend on each other instinctually for love and joy, for upliftment (whether spiritual or not). It has reached you, Rumi says – might ‘it’ be the spirit of joy perhaps? And you lift your tambourine to join in the harmony. And might you turn to the next person and see their heart lift as you pass it on?

How might you be able to act in this spirit over the festive period?

Wishing you love and joy!

Photo by febri sym on Unsplash