The Sun - Mary Oliver

The Sun – Mary Oliver

Have you ever seen anything in your life more wonderful than the way the sun, every evening, relaxed and easy, floats toward the horizon and into the clouds or the hills, or the rumpled sea, and is gone– and how it slides again out of the blackness, every morning, on the other side of the…

Mindfulness and Sleep Quality 2

Mindfulness and Sleep Quality

Last week in the new Mindfulness Based Healthy Living course we were exploring exercise and sleep habits for promoting health and wellbeing. In the realm of sleep we are looking at improving sleep hygiene and introducing periods of non-sleep deep rest, such as bodyscan, yoga nidra and progressive relaxation. So, I thought it would be…

Kitchen Table Mindfulness

Kitchen Table Mindfulness

  When one is able to overcome the romantic and emotional attitude, one discovers truth even in the kitchen sink. Chögyam Trungpa   This morning, with my bare feet planted onto the kitchen floor, flat and smooth, my small brown earthenware coffee cup warms my hands as I look into the windswept garden. It’s really…