trust emergence

Trust Emergence

Today I find myself in a house in Bempton (East Yorkshire coast) with my wonderful MAHQ colleagues. We have all taken our lateral flow tests and are together in person for the first time since February last year. It is strange, but amazing to see everyone manifest in 3D rather than on a screen in…

approaching fear

Approaching Fear

I led the free daily sit  on Friday evening and we did a practice using a mantra of ‘Body like a mountain, breath like the wind, heart of compassion like sunshine and mind like the sky’. At the end of the practice an interesting discussion ensued about anger and fear. A first participant shared their…


Everyone Project invites new applications

We are delighted to announce that the Everyone Project Charity is inviting a new round of applications for funding for online MBLC or MBLC-YA Courses. Based on generous donations from our members and attendees at our free daily sits plus a large donation from the Mindfulness Association, the Everyone Project is in a position to…


Threat, Drive and Soothing

I spent some of my weekend writing about the three emotional system model, based in the Compassion Focussed Therapy work of Prof. Paul Gilbert. According to this model there are three emotional systems, threat, drive and soothe and they tend to be out of balance for most of us, due to our evolved brain, our…

The Wonder of the Everyday

The Wonder of Everyday – January 2020

6 Week Online Course on Mindfulness in Daily Life Monday Evenings with Fay Adams 11 January – 22 March 2021 Cost: £80.00 for MA Members (please contact for the booking link) and £120.00 for non members, to join the MA Membership for £10.00 for the first six months please click here. Live sessions on Monday…

making the obstacles the path

Making the Obstacles the Path

The consequences of the current pandemic have been devastating for many people, with much death and serious illness, leading to many being bereaved or having more caring responsibilities, but also with much economic hardship, with many losing their jobs and businesses and finding an inadequate safety net. These consequences should not be under-estimated and we…


Chronic Stress

Over the past month of my holiday and especially my week of home retreat one of the things I have recognised is how susceptible I am to chronic stress. I noticed this at the weekend, where we had over 50 new students online for their first weekend of their Masters in Mindfulness with the University…


From a Mountain in Tibet

Hello again! I am back after my summer break, refreshed and ready for whatever new challenges emerge. Challenges are always good, an opportunity for cultivating more patience and compassion, at the very least! Challenges are hopefully an opportunity for insight, understanding and personal growth. Still I’m not asking for challenges, just welcoming them should they…