
Mindfulness Teaching Skills

‘This may indeed be a pivotal moment for our species to come to our senses … mobilising in the mainstream world … the power of mindfulness” Jon Kabat-Zinn On the first day of a mindfulness teacher training I look around the room. I see a circle of people who are each on the brink of…


Big M: More than Mindfulness

I was recently at Aberdeen University to spend a weekend with the third year students from the MSc in Studies in Mindfulness. This is a collaboration between the University and the Mindfulness Association. The students were just beginning their dissertations or work based projects. Each year we have a fabulous presentation by Dr. Jane Kellock…


The Wonder of the Everyday

Begin 2024 with a New Appreciation of your Life Practising mindfulness in daily life shows us many things about how to find wellbeing – here are my top two: Mindfulness doesn’t have to be time consuming You don’t have to have a perfect life to experience wellbeing Note the difference between these two experiences: I’m…


The Buddhist Roots of Mindfulness

The majority of mainstream mindfulness courses on offer today have their roots in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), which was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979. It was initially developed to help people to manage stress and chronic health conditions. Jon Kabat-Zinn created MBSR to capture and embody key Buddhist teachings and to put the…


Why Mindfulness is Important

In the wake of the pandemic overall there are lower levels of mental and physical wellbeing. Levels of stress and anxiety are being exacerbated by worries about the cost of living crisis, the war in Ukraine and ongoing environmental degradation. In an aging population with less access to the NHS many are living with chronic…


Secular Mindfulness

Secular mindfulness began in the clinical realm with Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), which was developed in the early 1980s by John Kabat-Zinn in the US for people experiencing chronic health conditions. This inspired the development of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) in the mid-1990s by Mark Williams and others within the UK as an…