Compassion and eating behaviour

Compassion and Eating Behaviour

I am currently working with my friend Michaela (Ki) James on the delivery of a new Mindfulness Based Healthy Living course. Key focuses of this course are self-compassion and healthy eating habits. Last week in the course we explored the obesogenic environment and the evolved human condition and concluded that we are in a fight…


Mindful Turning Points

Life is always at some turning point Irwin Edman   I have been reflecting on turning points. Those subtle moments when a shift happens which leads to change. There was a moment a week or so ago when I looked out the window and I could see a subtle change in the landscape. Something seemed…

Attitude? What Attitude?

Attitude? What Attitude?

Simple family exchanges are where I exercise my Mindfuness practice. Isn’t that just exactly where it’s all happening? Mindfulness has helped me so much with this unravelling which is a truly messy affair and takes a while, well, like forever, and I am deeply committed to that. The more I practice, the more I go…

Whats holding you back

What’s holding you back?

TRAINING TO TEACH MINDFULNESS – THE MBLC RETREAT I don’t really want to be a teacher, I said, as I applied for the course. Fear was pulling me back, but something stronger was pulling me – compassion to share all this with others. Facing fears in the MBLC Teaching retreat, accepting, meeting and looking deeply…